Journal of Marine Biology & OceanographyISSN: 2324-8661

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Thomas Shepard Author

Subjects of specialization
Hydrobiology , Hydrology, Fisheries Biology and Management, Marine Drugs, Marine Ecology

School of Engineering, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, USA.


Thomas Shepard works at the School of Engineering, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, USA.Specialized in Hydrobiology, Hydrology, Marine Conversation, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry, Marine Habitat, Marine Organisms, Ocean Engineering.


Research Article Subscription

Experimental Verification of Drag Forces on Spherical Objects Entering Water


John Gorman, John Abraham, Dillon Schwalbach, Thomas Shepard, John Stark and Franco Reseghetti

Experimental Verification of Drag Forces on Spherical Objects Entering Water

Objects which pass from gas regions to liquid regions experience elevated impact forces associated with the acceleration of the surrounding liquid. In order to investigate these forces, complementary experiments and simulations were performed on a sphere that traveled from air to view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2324-8661.1000126

Abstract HTML PDF

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