Research Journal of Optics and Photonics

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Sumit Kumar Gupta Author

Subjects of specialization
Laser light, Radiation

Department of Physics, Parishkar College of Global Excellence, Jaipur, India


Sumit Kumar Gupta, Department of Physics, Parishkar College of Global Excellence, Jaipur, India he has 7 publications on Dynamic Distance Based Lifetime Enhancement Scheme for HWSN


Research Article Open Access

Study and Applications of Laser Light


Sumit Kumar Gupta

This work gives an idea about the originality of laser beams and how we benefit from them in the treatment and the recovery of patients. Some of the important medical lasers are NeodymiumYAG Laser (Nd: YAG) is used in laparoscopic surgery, the Carbon Dioxide Laser (CO2) is one of the most widely used in surgical operation especially in gynecologic surgery. Moreover it is used as scalpel, the Argon Laser (Ar+) is used for ophthalmology and the Dye Laser is recently used in the treatment of cancer tumor. We know that Argon and Dye Lasers beams produce intense visible light that can be seen by the naked eye. For this reason they can be easily controlled and directed by the surgeons and physician. But beams of Carbon Dioxide and YAG Lasers are invisible and they are located in the Zone of t... view moreĀ»

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