Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation TechnologyISSN: 2325-9809

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Suhail Ahmad Khan Author

Subjects of specialization
Whole core transport calculation; Response matrix method; Rotational symmetry

Fuel Cycle Studies Section, Reactor Physics Design Division, BARC, India


Suhail Ahmad Khan is worked in the Fuel Cycle Studies Section, Reactor Physics Design Division, BARC, India, Rotational Symmetry Boundary Condition in Current Coupled Whole Core Pin by Pin Transport Theory Code                                                                         


Research Article Subscription

Rotational Symmetry Boundary Condition in Current Coupled Whole Core Pin by Pin Transport Theory Code


Suhail Ahmad Khan, Jagannathan V, Umasankari Kannan

The advances in computer processing power have made it possible to perform a detailed pin by pin calculation of the whole core. The methods based on response matrix are being used to perform whole core transport calculations. This includes the current coupled methods based on 2D collision probability (CP) and method of characteristic (MOC). The basic approach in the whole core transport theory methods is not to homogenize the lattice cells and subdivide each cell location in the fuel assembly (FA) into finer regions. The coupling of lattice cells within the assembly and assembly to assembly coupling can be achieved using interface currents. Due to very fine discretisation of the lattice structure and large core size, the physical memory requirements for the ... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2325-9809.1000170

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