HIV and AIDS Research Journal

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Smith G Author

Subjects of specialization
Immunodeficiency, HIV, STD

Maple Leaf Medical Clinic, Canada


Graham received his medical degree from McGill University. He took training in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine. He joined the McGill AIDS Centre and mixed both clinic care and clinical research with a special interest in the treatment of advanced HIV disease. In 1999, he returned to McGill to complete a Master's degree in Epidemiology and since then, has been involved with numerous research projects. After a move to Toronto, Graham joined Maple Leaf Medical Clinic where he is involved with Family Practice, HIV/AIDS care and Maple Leaf Research.


Research Article Open Access

Impact of Baseline NNRTI Resistance in Antiretroviral-naïve Patients with HIV in A Large Urban Clinic


Steinberg S, Loutfy M, Sandler I, Varriano B, Smith G, Kovacs C, Brunetta J, Chang B, Merkley B, Tilley D, Fletcher D, Acsai M, Knox D and Crouzat F

Background: Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) are prone to baseline resistance and potential early treatment failure. We investigated the NNRTI resistance profiles of antiretroviral therapy (ART)–naive patients with HIV in a large urban clinic and assessed their response to initial ART.

Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of ART-naive patients, who had baseline genotypes, starting ART prior to July 16, 2015. Cox regression was used to determine the impact on time to viral suppression with baseline NNRTI resistance as the primary covariate of interest. Of those who achieved virologic suppression, Cox regression was used to determine the impact on viral rebound [viral load (VL) ≥ 200 copies/... view more»

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