Journal of Biodiversity Management & ForestryISSN: 2327-4417

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Sanelo Mchunu Author


Research Article Open Access

Naming Invasive Alien Plants into Indigenous Languages: KwaZulu-Natal Case Study, South Africa


Bheka J. Nxele, Bheki A. Mdletshe, Bheka E.B. Memela, Menzi M. Nxumalo, Hlobisile J. Sithole, Phakamani J. Mlaba, Khulekani Nhleko, Zukiswa Zulu, Lindelani Zuke, Sanelo Mchunu, Mthobisi Hadebe and Nomzamo A Mncube

The spread of invasive alien plants (IAPs) across countries does not only dilute the indigenous biodiversity richness and degrade the environmental integrity of local environments, but it also threatens human livelihoods. Although no studies have been conducted on the relationship between IAPs and indigenous knowledge on plants, contributors suspect that IAPs might have negative impacts on cultural application of indigenous plants, more especially in the case of medicinal plant use. In the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa, where there are mainly isiZulu speakers, the use of plants for various human benefits is still relatively high. Plants are used for many reasons including traditional medicine, food, shelter and cultural rituals such as during burial ceremonies of family ... view more»

DOI: 10.37532/jbmf.2019.8(1).207

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