Journal of Biodiversity Management & ForestryISSN: 2327-4417

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Patrick Par� Author

Subjects of specialization
Biodiversity Conservation, Biodiversity Management, Forest Biodiversity & Conservation, Forest Ecology & Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Forest Management,

Patrick Pare, Department of Research and Conservation, Granby Zoo, 525, rue Saint- Hubert, Granby, Canada.


Patrick Pare, Department of Research and Conservation, Granby Zoo, 525, rue Saint- Hubert, Granby, Canada. He has published more than 40 articles.

In the field of biodiversity Conservation, Biodiversity Management, Forest Biodiversity & Conservation, Abiotic Stress, Plant Molecular Biology.



Research Article Subscription

The Effect of Zoo Visitors on Activity Patterns of Captive African Herbivores

Author(s): Tamara Kalioujny, Robert B Weladji, Patrick Par� and Sacha C Engelhardt

The Effect of Zoo Visitors on Activity Patterns of Captive African Herbivores

The role of zoos to conserve biodiversity is increasingly being recognized, but greater attention must be paid to good captive health, welfare, and population viability of species of interest. Several researchers have reported on the visitor effect on captive primate and felid behavior, and research has remained scarce on large captive herbivores, particularly in a mixed-species exhibit. The effect of zoo visitors on the activity budgets of twelve herbivores of four species at the Granby Zoo was investigated. The activity budget of individuals was monitored d... view more»

DOI: 10.4172/2327-4417.1000112

Abstract HTML PDF

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