Journal of Biodiversity Management & ForestryISSN: 2327-4417

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P Rama Chandra Prasad Author

Subjects of specialization
Biodiversity Conservation, Biodiversity Management, Pharmaceutical Technology, Natural Disasters, Sustainable Forest Management,

P Rama Chandra Prasad, Lab for Spatial Informatics, International Institute of Information Technology, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India.


P Rama Chandra Prasad, Lab for Spatial Informatics, International Institute of Information Technology, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India. He has published more than 80 articles.

In the field of biodiversity Conservation, Biodiversity Management, Forest Biodiversity & Conservation, Abiotic Stress, Plant Molecular Biology.


Research Article Subscription

Analysis of Tree Diversity Patterns in the Tropical Evergreen and Moist Deciduous Forests of the Middle Andaman Islands, India

Author(s): Stutee Gupta and P Rama Chandra Prasad

Analysis of Tree Diversity Patterns in the Tropical Evergreen and Moist Deciduous Forests of the Middle Andaman Islands, India

Tropical rainforests constitute one of the world’s richest biomes with high species diversity. They play a crucial role in controlling global climate besides providing several direct benefits known to all. Several studies have been carried out to estimate the biodiversity of these forests at various sites across the world and have helped in identifying potential sites of species richness and diversity as well as hotspots that harbour high endemism. However, Andaman and Nicobar Islands situated in between ... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2327-4417.1000114

Abstract HTML PDF

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