Journal of Biodiversity Management & ForestryISSN: 2327-4417

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Nurhidayu Siti Author


Research Article Open Access

Population and Occupancy Estimates of Avian Species in Payaindah and Putrajaya Wetlands, Peninsular Malaysia


Martins Chukwuemeka Onwuka, Zakaria Mohamed, Moh Hasmadi, Nurhidayu Siti and Olaniyi Oluwatobi

Abstract Context; In Malaysia, multiple land uses by humans have opened the way to substantial loss of wetland ecosystem, and shrinkage of the populations, habitat and food bases of avian species. However, the study of the avian population and occupancy estimate becomes eminent to understand the complexity of wetlands ecosystem structure, and also develop appropriate management with robust monitoring tools to ensure their ecological sustainability. Aims; We aimed to determine and compare the population and occupancy estimates of water and terrestrial dependent avian species in Paya Indah and Putrajaya wetlands, Peninsular Malaysia. Methods; We employed the distance sampling point count technique to survey the avian species from November 2016 to July 2018. We systematically placed 82 cou... view moreĀ»

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