Nilay Awasthi Author
Subjects of specialization
Artificial neural network
Amity University Mumbai, India He started his research on Physical from his B.Tech at KIIT.
Nilay is an Associate professor at Amity University, India. He started his research on Physical from his B.Tech at KIIT. Nilay Awasthi, electromagnetic waves, temperature raising laser and radiation absorbed in the electrons, Optic Laser 2020, 16th International Conference on Optics, Lasers 7 Photonics; Prague, Czech Republic- August 20- 21, 2020
Special Issue Article Open Access
Nilay Awasthi
Quantum Computing has usage in every other domain, for implementing various algorithms, systems, and many more. It has also drawn interest of many tech giants like IBM, Microsoft, Google. The reason why, quantum computing is exponentially growing is the fact, the phenomenon of superposition which is present i.e. the intrinsic parallelism in the quantum systems. The reason for the development of quantum computer was that the classical computing was reaching its limit and many problems were not solved because through classical computing approach it would take thousands of years to solve. So, there was a need for extension of the current computing scenario. This lead to the development of quantum computers. In this review we talk about various physical implementations of Quantum Bits (qubi... view more»