Journal of Marine Biology & OceanographyISSN: 2324-8661

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Maria Alice dos Santos4 Author


Special Issue Article Open Access

Participatory methods on the recording of medicinal plants in Atlantic forest, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil


Thamara Sauini1, Luiz Felipe Domingues Passero2, Priscila Baptistela Yazbek1, Priscila Matta3, Fernando Cassas1, Crenilda da Cruz4, Eduardo Hortal Pereira Barretto5, Maria Alice dos Santos4, Maria Angélica Silva Gomes4, Ricardo José Francischetti Garcia5, Sumiko Honda5, Viviane Stern da Fonseca-Kruel6, Bruno Esteves Conde1, Eliana&

Introduction: ethnobotanical studies related to participatory methods have the aim to engage residents in different steps, promoting the strengthenment of local culture and the empowerment on the decision about the use of available resources of their environment. Thus, the aim of this project was to carry out an ethnobotanical survey, with active participation of the residents living in Bairro do Cambury, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, called local partners, to record the traditional knowledge of medicinal plants of their environment.
Materials and Methods: during meetings carried out between researchers and members of the community, plants locally used were viewed as an important demand for registering the local knowledge for future generations. Some residents showed i... view more»

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