Journal of Marine Biology & OceanographyISSN: 2324-8661

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Mahmoud Hashiem Mohamed Author

Subjects of specialization
Hydrobiology ,Hydrology,Fisheries Biology and Management,Ecosystem Ecology,Marine Chemistry

Fish diseases and Managements, Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Assuit, New Valley Branch, Egypt.


Mahmoud Hashiem Mohamed works at the Fish diseases and Managements, Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Assuit, New Valley Branch, Egypt. Specialized in Hydrobiology, Hydrology, Marine Conversation, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry.


Research Article Subscription

Detection of Bacterial Infections in Some Red Sea Fish in Hurghada


Mahmoud Hashiem Mohamed, Eman Khalifa and Yosra M El Sherry

Detection of Bacterial Infections in Some Red Sea Fish in Hurghada

Marine fish are exposed to many diseases, especially bacterial one, where bacteria play the main role in occurrence of the disease and causing high economic losses in proposed marine aquaculture sector in Red Sea governorate and hence our study carried out in order to isolate and identified the bacterial isolates affecting economic marine fishes in Egypt as well as evaluate the effect of seasonal variation. In our study 300 samples from different five fish species include Siganus rivulatus, Mulloidicthys vanicolensis, Hipposcarus harid, Pterois volitans and Picasso trigger view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2324-8661.1000164

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