Maasilta Pand Bachour A Author
Subjects of specialization
Pulmonary Medicine, Sleep Medicine
Department of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, University of Helsinki, Sleep Unit, Heart and lung centre, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
Bachour A is a Senior Consultant in Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, University of Helsinki, Sleep Unit, Heart and lung centre, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland. He recently published his articles in Journal of Sleep Disorders: Treatment and Care. He reviewed many scientific papers. His research interests reflect in his wide range of publications in various national and international journals.
Research Article Open Access
Author(s): Elomaa T, Uusitalo M, Maasilta Pand Bachour A
Objective: There are few studies on the effect of Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy on eye symptoms in sleep apnea patients and the conclusions of these studies are inconsistent. We evaluated by questionnaire, possible changes in eye symptoms with PAP therapy
Methods: Consecutive sleep apnea patients referred for PAP initiation were asked about their eye symptoms at baseline, four days and two months of PAP therapy. We used a Visual Analog Scale. Zero value means no symptoms, whereas a value of 100 indicates severe eye dryness or severe eye watering. During a PAP
preparation session, a sleep nurse tried to choose the most suitable mask interface for a good mask seal and to avoid eventual air leak toward the eyes.
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