Lopez-Kleine L Author
Subjects of specialization
Hydrobiology ,Physiology of Marine Organisms,Fisheries Biology and Management,Ecosystem Ecology,Marine Chemistry
Statistics Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogot
Lopez-Kleine L works at the Statistics Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Specialized in Hydrobiology, Hydrology, Marine Conversation, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry, Physiology of Marine Organisms, Fisheries Biology and Management.
Research Article Open Access
Author(s): Comba-Gonzalez NB, Ruiz-Toquica JS, Lopez-Kleine L and Montoya-Castano D
Epiphytic Bacteria of Macroalgae of the Genus Ulva and their Potential in Producing Enzymes Having Biotechnological Interest
Marine environment represents broad potential for discovering novel enzymes having biochemical and functional properties with added value. Metagenomics approaches have promoted the search for and facilitated the discovery of genes encoding enzymes having particular characteristics. Such approaches have focused on exploring microbial diversity at the functional level, often starting with marine samples. Communities associated with living... view more»