Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic ReportsISSN: 2327-5790

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Larry Fischel Author

Subjects of specialization
AMH gene polymorphisms

Fertility and Cryogenics Laboratory, Downers Grove, IL, USA


Larry Fischel belongs to Department of Biotechnology intrested in the field AMH gene polymorphisms; AMH receptor gene II polymorphisms; Low ovarian reserve from Fertility and Cryogenics Laboratory, Downers Grove, IL, USA


Research Article Subscription

Are Antimullerian Hormone and its Receptor Genes Associated with Low Ovarian Response?

Author(s): Chelsi Goodman, Hosam Zaki, Larry Fischel, Hisham Greiss and Carolyn Coulam

Are Antimullerian Hormone and its Receptor Genes Associated with Low Ovarian Response?

One of the most frustrating problems in the treatment of infertility is that of poor ovarian response to stimulation. It therefore, would be advantageous to have a genetic marker that could predict low ovarian reserve at a young age before the impact of low ovarian reserve affects a woman’s fertility. Antimullerian hormone (AMH) has emerged as the the most accurate measure of ovarian reserve. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the correlation between AMH and AMH Receptor II (AMHRII) polymorphisms and low ovarian reserve.

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DOI: 10.4172/2327-5790.1000112

Abstract HTML PDF

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