Journal of Biodiversity Management & ForestryISSN: 2327-4417

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Jean-Michel Salles Author

Subjects of specialization
Biodiversity Conservation, Biodiversity Management, Forest Biodiversity & Conservation, Forest Ecology & Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Forest Management

Montpellier SupAgro, CEE-M and LAMETA, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, INRA, SupAgro, 2 Place Viala - 34060 Montpellier, France


Jean-Michel Salles working in the Montpellier SupAgro, CEE-M and LAMETA, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, INRA, SupAgro, 2 Place Viala - 34060 Montpellier, France.  He has published more than 30 articles, In the field of iodiversity Conservation, Biodiversity Management, Forest Biodiversity & Conservation, Abiotic Stress, Plant Molecular Biology.


Research Article Open Access

Analysing Trade-offs between Recreational Uses and Conservation Issues in the Bãngr-weoogo Urban Park in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)


Sidnoma Traoré and Jean-Michel Salles

We investigate whether visitors’ preferences for recreation and conservation could be reconciled by identifying management tradeoffs. We use a choice experiment based on a random sampling, and conducted face-to-face interviews on site with 475 respondents. Improving biodiversity emerged as the action with most likely effect of increasing the welfare of visitors. The reduction in recreational areas, the removal of restrictions on recreational activities and, more surprisingly, the reduction in the expected number of visits appear to be the factors reducing the most of the visitors’ welfare. Although the park in its current state is fairly appreciated, the welfare of visitors can be significantly improved by appropriately combining the biodiversity conservation with an increas... view more»

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