Journal of Biodiversity Management & ForestryISSN: 2327-4417

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I-Jiunn Cheng Author

Subjects of specialization
Biodiversity Conservation,Biodiversity Management,Forest Biodiversity & Conservation,Forest Ecology & Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Forest Management,

I-Jiunn Cheng, Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan


I-Jiunn Cheng, Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan. I-Jiunn Cheng has published more than 30 articles. In the field of Spatial Database, Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology, Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology,


Editorial Subscription

Sea Turtle Migration: What Kind of Cue they Use for Navigation?

Author(s): I-Jiunn Cheng

Sea Turtle Migration: What Kind of Cue they Use for Navigation?

Sea turtle is a long-lived marine reptile. The long evolution history of this animal results in great interests to understand its population traits. However, the endangered status of sea turtle prevents us from conducting extensive studies. In spite of great efforts have devoted to the researches on the biology of sea turtle, little progress was achieved for decades. Only in recent years, the advancement of technologies allows us to solve these miseries gradually. Current major topics involves in population genetic, biologging (e.g. satellite telemetries, diving behavior),... view more»

DOI: 10.4172/2327-4417.1000e101

Abstract HTML PDF

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