Hongbin Zhang Author
Subjects of specialization
Light Water Reactor
Idaho National Laboratory.in United States,
Hongbin Zhang is workng in the idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, United States,
Research Article Open Access
Author(s): Jianguo Yu, Hongbin Zhang
Extending the authorized fuel burn up limit of Light Water Reactor (LWR) is one of the most promising methods to enhance the commercial competitiveness of nuclear power plants. The benefits with high burn up include reduced maintenance and fuel cycle costs, less refueling operations thus leading to higher capacity factors, and reduction of the volume of spent fuel discharged normalized to the energy produced. However, to ensure the integrity of fuel rods with high burn up fuel, there are still a number of issues that need to be remedied. For example, the formation of High Burn up Structure (HBS) or rim structure is possibly the most significant restructuring processes at the rim of pellets in-pile with burn up extension in LWR and the effect of HBS on fuel thermophysical or mechanical ... view moreĀ»