Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic ReportsISSN: 2327-5790

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Hassen Ben Cheikh Author

Subjects of specialization
Culex pipiens; Grand Tunis area; Fenitrothion; Propoxur; Resistance; Esterases; AChE, Control programs

Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Monastir University, Monastir-5019, Tunisia


Hassen Ben Cheikh Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Monastir University, Monastir-5019, Tunisia


Research Article Subscription

Evaluation of Fenitrothion against Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvae in Grand Tunis Area of Tunisia


Ahmed Tabbabi, Jaber Daaboub, Ali Lamari, Raja Ben Cheikh, Ibtissem Ben Jha and Hassen Ben Cheikh

Resistance toward 2 insecticides (fenitrothion and propoxur) was analyzed in 5 samples of Culex pipiens populations collected from various localities of Grand Tunis area, Northeast Tunisia. All studied samples were resistant to fenitrothion and propoxur insecticides. The study of esterase’s activities showed the existence of five overproduced esterases: C1, A1, A2-B2, A4-B4 (and/or A5-B5) and B12. One or several esterases were detected in the studied samples. We also showed that the resistance to fenitrothion was correlated with the propoxur resistance indicating that modifications of the target, the AChE 1, can be involved in the OP resistance. These results should be considered in the current mosquitoes control programs in Tunisia.

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DOI: 10.4172/2327-5790.1000157

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