Journal of Sleep Disorders: Treatment and CareISSN: 2325-9639

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Gowthami Bainabaina Author


Short Communication Open Access

Short-Term Treatment of Insomnia with the Prescription of Common Sleeping Pills


Gowthami Bainabaina

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder, leading to difficulty in falling asleep.Affecting anyone majorly women’s and older adults with work stress, hormonal changes, menopause, consuming certain medications, intake of caffeine products, alcohol usage etc., Different types of insomnia are observed in which medication is mostly given to chronic insomnia patients, this sleeping disorder accompanies medical, psychiatrist major sleep disorder, with symptoms like fatigue, low concentration, anxiety, depression, mood changes and many other. Treatment of insomnia include different types, it maybe physiological therapies, pharmacological therapy and medication therapy’s.

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