Journal of Sleep Disorders: Treatment and CareISSN: 2325-9639

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De Valck E Author


Research Article Open Access

Dispositional Experiential Emotion Regulation and the effects of PreSleep Negative Mood on Sleep


Vandekerckhove M, Houthuys J, Kestemont J, Weiss R, Verhaert V, De Valck E, Verbraecken J and Cluydts R

The present study investigates the impact of pre-sleep negative stress on sleep and unrecognized effects of dispositional emotion regulation. It was examined whether the induction of negative pre-sleep emotion had a negative impact on sleep physiology and second, whether a dispositional High ‘Emotional Approach’ (HEA) compared to a ‘Low Emotional Approach’ (LEA) defined by high versus low efforts to identify, process, and express emotions, assessed by the ‘Emotional Approach’ scale EAC, Stanton et al., facilitates the recovery from a pre-sleep failure-experience and its effects on sleep physiology. The induction of a personal failure experience resulted in a worsening of mood, a significant increase of ruminative thoughts ... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2325-9639.1000201

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