Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic ReportsISSN: 2327-5790

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Ben Cheikh Hassen Author

Subjects of specialization
Esterases; Southern Tunisia, Insensitive AChE;, Culex pipiens; , Primiphos methyl; , Resistance;

Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Monastir University, Monastir-5019, Tunisia


Ben Cheikh Hassen Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Monastir University, Monastir-5019, Tunisia
Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Monastir University, Monastir-5019, Tunisia


Research Article Subscription

Pirimiphos-methyl Resistance in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in Southern Tunisia


Tabbabi Ahmed, Daaboub Jaber, Laamari Ali, Ben Cheikh Raja and Ben Cheikh Hassen

Pirimiphos-methyl is an organophosphorus insecticide having a fast action with less toxicity for humans and environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the pirimiphos-methyl resistance of three populations of Culex pipiens in southern Tunisia. Three Culex pipiens samples were collected in 3 localities (South east, south west, and extreme south) of southern Tunisia between March 2002 and October 2005. The susceptibility of the third population (extreme south) of Culex pipiens to pirimiphos-methyl was not considered due to control-level mortality. Both other studied samples were resistant to pirimiphos methyl and to propoxur. A significantly correlation was observed between the m... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2327-5790.1000155

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