Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic ReportsISSN: 2327-5790

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Baroudi O Author

Subjects of specialization
Dietary factors

Laboratoire de G


Mr. Baroudi O, belongs to the department of Dermatology, interest in the field of  Colorectal cancer; Dietary factors; Immunity genes; NOD2/CARD15; TLR4; Polymorphisms, from Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université de Tunis EL MANAR, Tunisie


Research Article Subscription

TLR4 and NOD2/CARD15 Polymorphisms and Their Association with Dietary Factors in Colorectal Cancer


Omrane I, Baroudi O, Medimegh I, Ayari H,  Kourda N, Mezlini A and Benammar-Elgaaied A

Epigenetic and genetic factors affect the incidence of colorectal cancer. Intestinal bacteria have been implicated in diet-induced obesity and inflammation. TLR4 and NOD2/CARD15 that play a crucial role in immunity have been implicated in signal transduction events induced by bacterial antigens. Here, we investigated the combined effect of epigenetic and genetic factors with occurrence of colorectal cancer in Tunisian population. We aimed to investigate interaction between polymorphisms in innate immunity genes TLR4 D299G/T399I and NOD2/CARD15 3020insC and dietary factors in colorectal cancer. Methods: This study involved 101 patients with colorectal cancer and 140 healthy controls. The association was analyzed by statistical tools. We observed a protective effect between a low consumpt... view moreĀ»

DOI: 10.4172/2327-5790.1000168

Abstract HTML PDF

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