Journal of Sleep Disorders: Treatment and CareISSN: 2325-9639

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Arja Dharani Author


Short Communication Open Access

Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Jet Lag Type (Jet Lag Disorder)


Arja Dharani*

In biological time disorders, endogenous sleep wake rhythms and also the external light darkness cycle become misaligned. The cause could also be internal (e.g., delayed or advanced sleep section syndrome) or external (e.g., jet lag, shift work). biological time sleep disorders might occur in patients with Alzheimer malady or Parkinson malady and in patients UN agency have had head trauma or cephalism. If the cause is externa l, alternative time unit body rhythms, together with temperature and endocrine secretion, will become out of correct with the light darkness cycle (external desynchronization) and with each other (internal desynchronization); additionally, to sleep disorde r and excessive temporary state, these alterations might cause nausea, malaise, irritability, and depression. ... view moreĀ»

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