Journal of Sleep Disorders: Treatment and CareISSN: 2325-9639

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Archana Gulia Author


Short Communication Open Access

Covid-19 pandemic effecting sleep and the guidelines for proper sleeping


Archana Gulia

Sleep play vital role for almost every aspect of human life. Pandemic coronavirus outbreak forced us to adjust to new normal in our daily routines; a lot of people have also experienced disruptions in their night time habits, resulting in poor sleep during the COVID19 pandemic. Factors liked increase in anxiety and depression, screen time, and a lack of exercise play a part in our sleep quality which in turn further affects how well we function, feel, and our immune system, strong, healthy immune system gives us a little more of a barrier against developing a COVID infection, it’s important to prioritize sleep It’s important now as of pandemic to keep consistent wake time and sleep time every day. When working from home and adjusting to this new way of life, it becomes tempt... view moreĀ»

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