HIV and AIDS Research Journal

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Aqsa Javaid Author

Subjects of specialization
Molecular Biology

MPhil Scholar at National Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Lahore District, Punjab, Pakistan


He is a Research Fellow under university of punjab. He did  bachelor's degree in  microbiology and molecular genetics, master of philosophy in molecular biology,  volunteer of breast cancer campaign, Pink Ribbon Pakistan.Research Interests include Biochemistry, Cell Culture, Gene Therapy, Immunology, Microbial Genetics, Molecular Biology, Oncology


Review Article Open Access

FOXP3 Gene and T Regulatory Cells Behavior in AIDS Patients


Aqsa Javaid and Nageen Hussain

Regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+) recruited by FOXP3 gene, are necessary for the initiation and conservation of self-tolerance and avoidance of autoimmunity by decreasing the auto reactive T cells. According to one research, it was being planned to examine the aspect of Tregs in immune system of HIV+ patients and noticed that number of Tregs are above the normal but function is extremely decreased with noticeable HIV-1 RNA in plasma in contrast to healthy control.. In agreement with other analysis, the effect of HIV infection on regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25high) was figured out via flow cytometry and FOXP3 quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. FOXP3 mRNA was taken and calibrated in purified CD4+ lymphocytes or peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV+ lymp... view moreĀ»

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