Aqsa Javaid Author
Subjects of specialization
Molecular Biology
MPhil Scholar at National Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Lahore District, Punjab, Pakistan
Review Article Open Access
Author(s): Aqsa Javaid and Nageen Hussain
Regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+) recruited by FOXP3 gene, are necessary for the initiation and conservation of self-tolerance and avoidance of autoimmunity by decreasing the auto reactive T cells. According to one research, it was being planned to examine the aspect of Tregs in immune system of HIV+ patients and noticed that number of Tregs are above the normal but function is extremely decreased with noticeable HIV-1 RNA in plasma in contrast to healthy control.. In agreement with other analysis, the effect of HIV infection on regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25high) was figured out via flow cytometry and FOXP3 quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. FOXP3 mRNA was taken and calibrated in purified CD4+ lymphocytes or peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV+ lymp... view moreĀ»