Youngmee Kim is an associate professor in the Health Division & Department of Psychology at University of Miami, USA. She is the Associate Editor for Quality of Life Research. Her research interests concern social motivation and emotion, close relationships, and cross-cultural psychology. she have applied these interests primarily to the field of psycho-oncology. Her research focuses on various aspects of the quality of life of cancer survivors and their family members and close friends. These outcomes include psychological, physical, behavioral, and spiritual adjustment. Psychosocial correlates of these outcomes include coping with caregiving stress, gender, relationship quality, and cancer preventive behaviors. Her program of research aims to examine the psychosocial, physical, and spiritual impact of cancer on the family both at a national and a community level. She is interested in investigating biobehavioral mechanisms of the link between cancer experiences and quality of life of cancer survivors and their family members, and to develop programs and services to assist families in meeting their needs and to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors among cancer survivors and their family and friends.
Research Interest
Youngmee Kim topics of interest is Psychology.
Sociocultural Factors Influencing Food Allergy Awareness and Management in Diverse Communities
Short Communication: J Food Nutr Disor
Andrew Johnson*