Dr. Tuneo Futami has served as Professor at Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology and at Kenichi Ohmae Graduate School of Business.
Dr. Futami graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology's Master course of Nuclear Engineering. He began his career at Tokyo Electric Power Company in 1967. There he served as Manager of the Nuclear Power Generation Department, became head of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and Executive Director at the Siting and Environment Headquater. Later he served as Director at the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Companies where he directed the research on biological effects by low level radiation and human factor. He is an expert on crisis management and how to reach social agreements with, for example, local residents living near Tokyo Electric Power Company's nuclear and thermal power stations. He lectures nuclear power plant operation & maintenance, crisis management, public acceptance where he passes on the more than 40 years of experience in the electric power industry.
Research Interest
Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant, the FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI Nuclear Power Station Accident, Accident Analysis and Lessons to Learen from Accidents, Stress Corrosion of Stractual Mterial, Public Acceptance.
Comparative Analysis of Thorium Fuel Cycles and their Use in Nuclear Reactors
Commentary: J Nucl Ene Sci Power Generat Technol
Furisa Klen*