H. M. Saleh is a Professor of radioactive waste management in the Radioisotope Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt.
He has been awarded MSc and PhD degrees in Physical Chemistry from Cairo University. He has about 20 years of experience in science of hazardous waste management with emphasis on treatment and developing new matrixes for immobilization of these wastes. He interested in studying an innovative economic and environment-friendly techniques for management of hazardous and radioactive wastes.
Saleh has authored over 32 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He was Book Editor of more than 8 books and author of 9 monographs related to valuable international publishers. He serves as a reviewer for several international journals, as Editor In-Chive or Editorial Board Member for many International Journals and as a member of Technical Program Committee for International Conferences.
He was awarded the Scientific Encouragement Award from Atomic Energy Authority (2013), Encouragement Prize in Advanced Technical Sciences from Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (2014) and listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World® 2015 (32nd Edition).
Research Interest
Waste Management; Development of Matrices for Immobilization of Radioactive and Hazardous Wastes; Application of organic, Inorganic and polymer materials
Comparative Analysis of Thorium Fuel Cycles and their Use in Nuclear Reactors
Commentary: J Nucl Ene Sci Power Generat Technol
Furisa Klen*