Qin Lv

Department of Computer Science 

University of Colorado Boulder 

Contact Qin Lv


Qin Lv is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado Boulder. She received a B.E. with honors from the Department of Computer Science & Technology, Tsinghua University in 2000, an MA and a Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science, Princeton University in 2002 and 2006. Her Ph.D. thesis advisor was Professor Kai Li. Lv was a summer intern at Google Inc. (2002) and Microsoft Research Silicon Valley Lab (2003). Before joining University of Colorado, she also spent one year in Princeton University as a postdoc, and one year in the Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University as an assistant professor.

Research Interest

Qin Lv's research integrates efficient system design and effective data analysis for the management and exploration of massive data. Her research focuses on ubiquitous computing, data mining, mobile systems, social networks, and data management. Her research is interdisciplinary in nature and interacts closely with a variety of research domains including environmental research, Earth sciences, renewable and sustainable energy, as well as the information needs in people's daily lives.