Paola Paradies

Paola Paradies, DVM, PhD
Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation
University of Bari, Italy

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Dr. Paola Paradies graduated in Medicine Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bari July 14, 1997, and was enabled to profession in 1998. In 2001 he received the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Pathology, pharmacokinetics and therapy veterinary clinic. From 2001 to 2003 conducts research with a post-doctoral fellowship at the Section of parasitic diseases. Since May 01, 2005 is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Bari , the SSD VET/08 at the Section of Clinical Medicine. In 2013 he earned the title of Diplomate European EVPC (European Veterinary Parasitology College). The teaching activities since 2005 has been carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Bari; has taught and teaches at the graduate program in Veterinary Medicine in Module professionalizing (fifth year) and in the course of Bachelor's Degree with the subject " Health and Welfare ". And 'professor of the School of Specialization in " Pathophysiology of reproduction " with matter " Parasitic diseases of the reproductive interest " at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Bari. In recent years his research has been directed to the study of canine leishmaniasis and dell'angiostrongilosi , as well as the metabolic syndrome and related conditions in dogs. The research activity is documented by 23 scientific publications in international journals with IF, as well as from 4 publications in national journals, 26 contributions in conference proceedings and a contribution in volume. He has participated as a speaker at numerous national and international congresses with communications relating to research activities.

Research Interest

In recent years research of Dr. Paola Paradies has been directed to the study of canine leishmaniasis and angiostrongilosi , as well as the metabolic syndrome and related conditions in dogs.