Lony Schiltz

Lony Schiltz, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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Dr. Lony Schiltz holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University Paris V and RenéDescartes-holder Habilitation Research University Paul Verlaine-Metz. Since the acquisition of the diploma "Art Therapy and Psychology", University Paris V in 1993, it uses art therapy, in combination with verbal psychotherapy Rogerian and psychoanalytic orientation, with all subjects ages and in clinical settings, psychosocial and psycho varied. She is Research Director of the Master in Art Therapy from the University of Luxembourg (national diploma Bac + 5) since 1999 and Director of the Research Laboratory in Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology and Art Therapy (PCSA) since 2002. CASP laboratory (current host institution. Fondation François-Elisabeth Hospital, Kirchberg, Luxembourg) conducts multi-year research project funded by the Ministry of Research of Luxembourg and the National Research Fund. This project, among other things, aim to show the scientific basis for art therapy. Students outside the Graduate Diploma in Art Therapy from the University of Luxembourg, the laboratory also hosts PhD in Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology (co-direction with the University Paul Verlaine-Metz and Nancy 2), as well as students Master of Psychology University of Luxembourg, Metz and Nancy 2, and International Master in Art Therapy at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences of Freiburg (Germany).