Jimmy T. Efird

Jimmy T. Efird, PhD
Department of Public Health
East Carolina University, USA

Contact Jimmy T. Efird


Dr. Jimmy T. Efird currently is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University (ECU) and Director of Epidemiology and Outcomes Research at the East Carolina Heart Institute. Dr. Jimmy T. Efird completed his Doctorate in Neuro-Epidemiology (Biostatistics Concentration) at Stanford University School of Medicine. Additionally, he holds an appointment as Epidemiologist/Chief Statistician in the Center for Health Disparities Research and Leader of Shared Resources. Prior to joining ECU, Dr. Efird was Director of the Biostatistics Facility at the John A. Burns School of Medicine (Honolulu, Hawaii) and an Associate Member of the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii.

Research Interest

Dr. Efird’s research interests include stroke, brain tumors, and Parkinson’s disease