Jagadeesh Patil


ICAR- National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bangalore


Contact Jagadeesh Patil


 Born in Bijapur of Karnataka in 1982, Dr. Jagadeesh Patil had his schooling in the same town and graduated in B.Sc. Agriculture in 2004 from University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad, Karnataka. Dr. JagadeeshPatil was selected for Junior Research Fellowship from Indian Council of Agriculture Research to peruse his Master degree. Dr. JagadeeshPatil completed his Master degreein 2006 at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He pursued his doctoral programme in the same institution with Senior Research Fellowship. He completed his part of Ph.D. at Rothamsted Research Harpenden (UK) under UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) fellowship funded by BritishCouncil during 2008-2009 and obtained his Ph.D. degree from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He qualified for Agricultural Research Service- National Eligibility Test in 2007 and eligibility forLectureship in Nematology and also qualified for Agricultural Research Service- National Eligibility Test 2008 and Eligibility forLectureshipin plant pathologyand recruited as Scientist in Nematology. After this he joined as a scientist in 2010 at ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala.Dr.JagadeeshPatil had worked lot on both plant parasitic nematodes and use of entomopathogenic nematodes for the management of insect pests and was awarded the prestigiousProf. D. J. Raski Merit Medal award for outstanding academicperformance during 2011 from Nematological Society of India. His work on the effect of root-knot nematode Meloidogynegraminicola on nutrient uptake and translocation and their effect on seed qualityreceived considerable acclaim. Dr.JagadeeshPatil has so far published more than 20 papers in national and international journals and conferences.He has attended many national and international conferences. He has organized many trainings on isolation, mass production and molecular characterization of entomopathogenic nematodes. Dr. Jagadeesh Patil received a young scientist start up research grant.He immersed himself in conducting research in chosen area of specialization, he guided newly joined ARS scientists for a period of three months as a professional attachment training.

Research Interest

