Dr. Elizabeth W Twamley is Associate Professor in Residence, Department of Psychiatry, UCSD, USA. She received Ph.D in 2000 on Clinical Psychology, Arizona State University (APA-approved), Tempe, AZ, followed by Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geriatric Psychiatry, UCSD Department of Psychiatry, San Diego, CA in 2003. She received Graduation in 1992 on Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine and Post-graduation in 1997 MA on Clinical Psychology, Arizona State University. As an Associate Professor, she is a recipient of many awards and grants for her valuable contributions and discoveries in major area of research. Her research interests, as an Associate Professor lies in Clinical Psychology. She is the Editorial Board Member of many peer reviewed journals and her area of expertise, as an Associate Professor credits her with many publications in national and international journals. She is committed to highest standards of excellence and it proves through her authorship of many books.
Research Interest
Dr. Twamley’s research focuses on bridging neuropsychology and interventions for individuals with severe mental illness or traumatic brain injury. Current intervention studies focus on supported employment and compensatory cognitive training. Other research interests include the neuropsychology of everyday functioning, genetic markers of cognition in schizophrenia, and cognitive impairment in PTSD.