Douglas A Gentile

 Associate Professor of developmental psychology at Iowa State University

Contact Douglas A Gentile


 Dr. Douglas Gentile is a research scientist, author, award-winning educator, and is an associate professor of developmental psychology at Iowa State University.  His experience includes over 25 years conducting research with children and adults. He is the editor of the book Media Violence and Children (2003, Praeger Press), and co-author of the book Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy (2007, Oxford University Press).  He has authored over 40 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, including studies on the positive and negative effects of video games on children in several countries, the validity of the American media ratings, how screen time contributes to youth obesity, and what is being called video game and Internet "addiction."  In 2010, he was honored with the Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Media Psychology Award from the American Psychological Association

Research Interest

 Paediatrics, Behavioral sciences, Psychology