Deborah A. Bruns

Deborah A. Bruns , Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA

Contact Deborah A. Bruns


Dr. Deborah A. Bruns is an Associate Professor in the Special Education Program in the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education at Southern Illinois University. Dr. Deborah A. Bruns has published in professional journals on the topics of family-centered practices, parent-professional relationships, and feeding issues for your children with disabilities. Dr. Deborah A. Bruns has presented at regional and national conferences on these topics and recently published a book on feeding entitled Feeding challenges in your children: Strategies and specialized interventions for success (2012 Brookes Publishing). Dr. Deborah A. Bruns is active in state and national level organizations focusing on young children with disabilities and their families.

Research Interest

Dr. Deborah A. Bruns has had an interest in rare trisomy conditions for over 20 years. Dr. Deborah A. Bruns has presented TRIS project data to national and international audiences and published in journals reaching a variety of medical professionals involved with rare syndrome populations.