David N. Reisman

David N. Reisman, MD, PhD
Division of Hematology
University of Florida, USA

Contact David N. Reisman


Dr. David Reisman earned his BA from the University of California Berkeley and his M.D., Ph.D. from the University of Texas. He completed his residency, fellowship, and postdoctoral research at the University of North Carolina. He matriculated to the University of Michigan in 2002 as an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Hematology/Oncology division. He joined the University of Florida College Of Medicine in July 2009 as an Associate Professor in the Division of Hematology/Oncology. As a physician scientist, his focus is identifying novel oncogenic targets and developing new drugs to reverse carcinogenic effects. Dr. Reisman treats patients with thoracic cancer and specializes in lung cancer with an emphasis on BAC or bronchoalveolar carcinoma.

Research Interest

Dr. Reisman is interested in studying the mechanism of BRG1 and BRM loss in cancer and how to restore the expression of these tumor suppressor proteins using small molecule inhibitors. He also investigates molecular defect underlying the development and progression of cancer, works to develop novel therapies which target the molecular defects underlying cancer. The study of cancer stem cells and their role in cancer development is also a main focus of his research.