Barouaca Hassan is working in Biology Department of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morrocco. He is secretary general of Morrocan Association of Education for Health and Nutrition and Vice president of National Association of Eductation and Numerical Resouces. His research interests are in the general releated to Nutrition sciences. He did PhD research at Univesity Hospital centre, Hassan II , Fes , Morocco in 2002. And PhD thesis was done in the laboratory of Biochemistry and Nutrition. From 2002 to 2009 his primary research hase focused on understanding the kinetic of recovery and study markers of mortality in children with sever malnutrition. From 2002 to present his primary research has focused on child malnutrition, mortality, nutritional status, life style and synergy of nutritional, epidemiologic and demographic factors
Research Interest
Barouaca Hassan research interest are protein-energy malnutrition,stress oxydant and risk of death.
Sociocultural Factors Influencing Food Allergy Awareness and Management in Diverse Communities
Short Communication: J Food Nutr Disor
Andrew Johnson*