Alessandra Diehl

Alessandra Diehl, PhD
Department of Psychiatry
Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil

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Dr. Alessandra Diehl is a Psychiatrist with Training in Clinical Research (Invitare), Specialization in Chemical Dependence at Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and Human Sexuality at University of São Paulo (USP). Master of Science UNIFESP. Doctoral Student at Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)/Department of Psychiatry and Post-graduate SEX EDUCATION (UNISAL 2014-2015). She has experience with clinical trials and in the field of teaching, research and treatments for addiction and sexuality. The interest is on studies and clinical practice at the interface of addiction, sexuality and sexual diversity. She is the current secretary of the Association of Studies on Alcohol and other Drugs (ABEAD) managed 2013-2015, Professor and Coordinator of the course DISORDERS OF SEXUALITY and Sexual Health at pos graduate school in the Department of Psychiatry, UNIFESP and Visiting Professor at the Brazilian Center for Postgraduate Degree CENBRAP. She belongs to the team of professionals at the Institute of Psychiatry Américo Bairral.