General Anesthesia
General Anesthesia is the kind of anesthesia that involves the total loss of consciousness and pain sensation. In this process the patient receives medications for amnesia, analgesia, muscle paralysis and sedation. General anesthesia suppresses many of the body’s normal automatic functions like those that control heartbeat, breathing, blood circulation, movements of the digestive system, and throat reflexes such as swallowing, coughing, or gagging. General anesthesia often leaves the patient unarousable to painful stimuli, amnesia, unable to maintain adequate airway protection and cardiovascular changes secondary to stimulant. The advantages of general anesthesia include reduction intraoperative patient awareness and recall, allows proper muscle relaxation for prolonged periods of time, facilitates complete control of breathing and circulation, can be used in cases of sensitivity to local anesthetic agent, can be administered without moving the patient from the supine position, can be adapted easily to procedures of unpredictable duration or extent, can be administered rapidly and is reversible. The disadvantages of general anesthesia are that it requires increased complexity of care and associated costs; it may induce physiologic fluctuations that require active intervention; it might cause nausea, vomiting , headache, sorethroat, Incisional pain; associated with malignant hyperthermia which is a rare, inherited muscular condition in which exposure to some general anesthetic agents results in acute and potentially lethal temperature rise, hypercarbia, metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia.