What Position do Laboring Women Actually Take and What is their Desired Position During this Time?
Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify the known postures and desired by women during the expulsive phase of a normal delivery.
Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study led from 18 February to 06 May 2019 at Ouahigouya Regional Teaching Hospital in Burkina. Women were interviewed three hours after normal delivery in this hospital. Data were collected through semi-structured direct individual interviews and completed by an analysis of women’s medical records. The statistical analysis was done with the software Epi info version
Results: A total of 232 women were included. Lithotomy or Gynecological position was that used by women (99.56%). The reason for which the parturients gave birth in this position was related to the provider (90.00%). Six other positions were reported by 48 patients (20.69%).
Conclusion: A free choice of position during childbirth requires the identification and correction of possible causes that hinder it.