The Medicinal Leech Possesses All Mechanisms of Influence for Preventing Pathogenesis of SARSCoV-2
Leeches, an unlikely allay in the fight against SARlS-CoV-2. Ten months after I contracted Covid-19, I had finally found a doctor who believed my story. Dr. lvanovich Krashenyuk, founder of Acadamy of Hirudotherapy St. Petersburg Russia and around the world, has been teaching Systemic Leech Placement (SLP) to post-doctoral students for over 25 years and has dozens of articles published in medical journals. Without diminishing the importance of medical therapy, he states salivary cell secretions (SCS) of Medicinal Leech (ML) contain all the mechanisms of influence for preventing SARSCoV-2 reducing mortality. Today, Dr. Krashenyuk’s aim at treating post-covid syndrome encompasses application of Medicina Leech Therapy (MLT) in combination with principles of homeopathy and acupuncture. His proposed solution is based on his nearly 30 years of experience in treating children and elderly with multiple organ pathology presented of person surviving SARS-CoV-2 with ML treatment.