Ten Day Exposure to Hypochlorous Acid (Wonder Spray) Fog Results in no Detectable Effect on Blood Metabolic Panel and Minimal Lung Pathology
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a well-established antiseptic with potential for treatment of lung diseases. However, to our knowledge, no studies have been published determining whether the vapor from HOCl leads to lung damage and alters blood metabolism. We therefore exposed groups (n=6) of C57BL/6 mice to a fog of HOCl for 8 h per workday for 2 weeks with no exposure over the weekend. Our results indicate no detectable change in blood metabolic panel and minimal changes in lung pathology. Because the changes in lung pathology were minimal and deemed likely reversible by the pathologist after a high dose exposure, we conclude that HOCl usage should not cause lung damage after use and may lead to new treatments for lung disease.