Role of Pelvic Floor Muscles in Female Orgasmic Response
There are many important outcomes from the responsive muscle contractions in the female orgasm. A number of these outcomes are structural and these structural outcomes have a direct positive effect on the well-being of the woman. Though these direct physiological outcomes may or may not have an adaptive history, they affect the well-being of the woman and include structural load management, continence, and sexual function. These benefits of orgasm for adult women last a lifetime; positive outcomes do not end at menopause—female urinary incontinence and pain in the lower back, hip(s), and knee(s) are not a de facto consequence of aging. So although the conveyance of sperm helps the act of reproduction and is considered the major function of the orgasm, this reading is limited; glossing the appreciation of the female orgasm in maintaining pelvic floor muscle tone and missing the function of the clitoral gland in maintaining pelvic floor muscle tone.
The point of this paper is to suggest that the role of the pelvic floor muscles in female orgasmic response has much more immediate and more wide-ranging physiological outcomes for the human female than the reproductive primacy perspectives suggested in many studies to date.
Clearly defining the broad structural importance of the pelvic floor muscles in female orgasmic response would have positive epidemiological outcomes for all women.
While pelvic floor muscle performance has psychological outcomes that synergistically affect the woman’s well-being, the psychological outcomes are not within the scope of this paper.