Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An OverviewISSN: 2327-4581

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Remote Sensing and Geographical Sensing Information

Remote sensing is the methods to collect data at a distance from the thing under study by some quite recording device. the utilization of techniques which is increasing rapidly, finding new fields of application as technology advances in developing the remote sensing systems. The stress will be on satellite sensor remote sensing but some aspects of traditional photographic remote sensing and aerial photography using digital aerial cameras also will be used. It in simple terms known to be pair of binoculars or an ordinary camera which are simple remote sensing systems. During war II, two new remote sensing methods were developed, the sonar and therefore the radar. After war II, several systems are developed for various sorts of electromagnetic radiation. Remote sensing systems supported electronic radiation detectors are not obviously image generating systems, that is, the result's not a picture, but rather a set of numbers stored during a computer compatible format. The stored data can often be transformed into a picture by a computer using dedicated software

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