Infectious Diseases: Prevention and Control

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Recent Emerging Gut Microbiota Management Modalities in Acute Cases of Diarrhea in Children: (A Comparative Study Review about Use of Probiotics) an Update!

Acute Diarrhea (AD) is a highly prevalent condition that causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Conventional therapies include oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS), Antibiotics, and Zinc Products. Emerging data suggest that Probiotics use in the treatment & control of AD cases in children may help supplement current therapies for further control. 
   Herein, we review the evidence of several Probiotics modalities for AD treatment. We describe the Clinical Impact & prevalence of Acute Diarrhea in children and its complications, provide an overview of current treatments, and finally, discuss recent emergent Gut approaches to AD management. Specifically, we will describe - in a Comparative study - the utility of different kinds of Probiotics known & used and common natural products in the treatment of Acute cases of AD and focus on recent, high-quality studies. Adverse effects and potential interactions of each therapy will be highlighted where applicable.

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