Productivity, Quality and Economics of Dual Purpose Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Varieties under Different Nitrogen Scheduling
Productivity, Quality and Economics of Dual Purpose Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Varieties under Different Nitrogen Scheduling
The experiment was conducted at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2007-09. The experiment was comprised of two varieties (i.e. RD 2552 and RD 2035) which were kept in the main plots and five nitrogen scheduling of T1. 1/2N at basal + 1/2N immediate after cut (1/2N+1/2N) , T2. 1/2N at basal + 1/4N after cut + 1/4N after next irrigation (1/2N+1/4N+1/4N), T3. 1/3N at basal + 1/3N after cut + 1/3N after next irrigation (1/3N+1/3N+1/3N), T4. 1/3N at basal + 2/3N immediate after cut (1/3N+2/3N) and T5. 2/3N at basal + 1/3N immediate after cut (2/3N+1/3N) was kept in the sub-plots treatments of split plot design were replicated thrice. Total nitrogen used was 80 kg N/ha. The variety RD 2035 gave numerically higher fodder yield than RD 2552 while reverse is significantly true for grain yield and crude protein. In 2/3N + 1/3N scheduling, the highest fodder yield was recorded was significantly higher than 1/3N + 1/3N+1/3N and 1/3N + 2/3N scheduling but statistically on par with 1/2N + 1/2N and 1/2N + 1/4N+1/4N scheduling. The highest fodder yield recorded in 2/3N + 1/3N scheduling was significantly higher than 1/3N + 1/3N+1/3N and 1/3N + 2/3N scheduling but statistically on par with 1/2N + 1/2N and 1/2N + 1/4N+1/4N scheduling. Highest crude protein recorded in nitrogen scheduling of 1/2N at basal + 1/4N after cut + 1/4N after next irrigation which was statistically on par with 1/2N at basal + 1/2N immediate after cut and 1/3N at basal + 1/3N after cut + 1/3N after next irrigation but was significantly higher than1/3N at basal + 2/3N immediately after cut and 2/3N at basal + 1/3N immediately after cut...