Potential of Hydro Power Plant in India
Sun, wind, water, ocean, tidal, and other renewable energy sources are available. Hydro power plants are growing as a source of energy in developing India. After fossils fuel and nuclear resource are examples of non-sources of energy, a large portion of India is searching for green energy. A survey report on hydro power plants in India is presented in this paper. So, in the long term, the Indian government has approved different plans and policies for the development of hydro power
plants in which the element of water is primary sources of electricity and energy are two terms that are used interchangeably. Generated by the flow of water. Large
hydropower Plants are the most technically advanced, and they are often custom-designed for each location, with turbines built especially for the power plant. There are several factors to consider while operating and developing a Hydroponics. The factory is on the move. Necessitates a methodical approach, which is discussed in the article. The main hydro projects in India are also included in this paper.