Journal of Nursing & Patient CareISSN: 2573-4571

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Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies among ICU Nurses: A Systematized Review

The complexity and urgency of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing disproportionately stress nurses as they apply limited resources across competing demands. Various non-evidencebased coping strategies are used to reduce this stress.

Aim: This study synthesizes findings from primary research on coping strategies ICU nurses use to reduce perceived stress, addressing the question: “What coping strategies do ICU nurses use to reduce perceived stress?”

Method: A systematized literature review identified primary research articles from MEDLINE, PsycInfo, and CINAHL databases via Ovid and EBSCOhost.

Results: Screening identified 18 articles, with six deemed relevant: one qualitative study, one randomized controlled trial, three cross-sectional studies, and one mixed-methods study, one randomized controlled trial, three cross-sectional studies, and one mixed-methods study. ICU nurses employed multiple negative and positive coping strategies. Effective strategies included humor, socialization, social support, leaving work on time, spirituality and avoidance.

Conclusion: These coping strategies can be recommended for ICU nurses managing stress. Further randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews are needed to generate high-level evidence supporting practice and policy changes to integrate these strategies.

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