Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile EngineeringISSN: 2329-9568

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Normal Gums as Thickeners in the Process of Cotton Fabric Printing

Thickeners used in textile printing are high molecular weight viscous compounds gave a sticky paste with water, which impart stickiness and plasticity to the printing paste. These thickeners facilitate to preserve the design outlines without spreading even under high pressure. The main purpose of thickeners in textile industry is to hold or adhere the dye particles on the desired areas of the fabric until the dye transferred onto the fabric surface and its fixation got over. Thickener will provide the required viscosity to the printing pastes, prevent the premature reactions between the chemicals of the print paste and helps to seize the ingredients of the print paste on the fabrics. The thickener must be stable and compatible with the dyes and dyeing auxiliaries used.

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